9th Age version 1.1 og fremtiden
Citat: http://www.the-ninth-age.com
Most obvious imbalances that have been encountered in our work since the release of 1.0 are going to be addressed in a small update that we are scheduling for September, version 1.1. In addition to that, to complete the full cycle of core game rules development, in November we will be releasing a new version of the rulebook, v1.99, along with updates to all armybooks making them compatible with the changes in the rulebook. As work will be finalised on certain section we will aim to provide sneak peaks via our blog. The goal is to then release rulebook version 2.0 in early spring 2017 as our definitive rules set which will remain in use for several years as we will be focusing on bringing all our army books to Full Status and continue to develop individual armies.
Så de arbejder altså frem imod, at version 2 skal være den første helt stabile version. Til den til vil det blive relevant, om man skal printe bøger :)
De nævner yderligere, at hærene har mistet for meget personlighed, og at man i august kan være med til at stemme om hvilken retning hver hær skal gå i.
Du kan selvfølgelig også selv bare læse deres nyhed her: