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Warmachine/Hordes terræn

Steven Poulsen

d. 11. Mar. 2016 kl. 11:17

Der er ikke rigtig nogle specifikationer for hvor meget terræn, eller hvilken slags, der skal være på bordet i Warmachine/Hordes.
Men jeg stødte lige på denne file fra Privateer Press fra 2007
Det er, så vidt jeg kan lure, den bedste "specifikation".

Deres Steamroller 2015 har også en smule om terræn:

Citat: Steamroller 2015

As a general rule, an average table should have five to seven pieces of terrain placed closely enough to eliminate large open areas without unduly constricting movement. The size of terrain pieces is also important. No piece should be insignificantly small or extremely large; pieces from 3" to 6" in length and width are best.

Terrain pieces are categorized as restricted or unrestricted for the purposes of setting up tables.
  • Unrestricted terrain: forests, hills, rough terrain, shallow water, trenches, and wreck markers
  • Restricted terrain: obstructions and linear obstacles
The exact number, type, and placement of terrain pieces is up to the EO, but the following terrain rules apply when setting up tables.
  • Do not place terrain within deployment zones. This does not apply to advance deployment zones.
  • Unrestricted terrain pieces cannot be placed within 2" of any other terrain piece. (Exception: trenches can be placed in contact with other trenches.)
  • Restricted terrain cannot be placed within zones, within 5" of flags, or within 5" of objectives. Additionally, restricted terrain cannot be placed within 5" of any other restricted terrain piece

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